2014 Birkie Patrol
Friday is a busy day!
Birkie Patrollers gathering at the Hayward Senior Center
Howard H. (Birkie "Patrol" Director) chats with patrollers gathering Friday afternoon at the Hayward Senior Center...
Birkie Patrollers claim spaces to sleep in the Hayward Middle School Library
...then boogie over to the Hayward Middle School Library Hotel (reserved for patrollers) to claim a spot to sleep.
(photo by Julie Timmons)
Birkie Patrollers claim spaces to sleep in the Hayward Middle School Library
Claims range from vendor canopies, areas cordoned off with tables and chairs, down to spaces between (or under) tables.
(photo by Julie Timmons)
First-time patrollers attend the Rookie U Orientation
Back at the Senior Center, first-time patrollers attend the "Rookie U" Orientation led by Jeff S (seated at far end of table.)
Some veterans will often "sit in" for a refresher.
Birkie Patrollers claim spaces to sleep in the Hayward Middle School Library
While we all politely wait for dinner, Brett overhears John W. talking with Dan G's daughter (mom at left) about the wonders of the smart phone, and he can’t resist...
First-time patrollers attend the Rookie U Orientation
...teasing her about texting.
Chefs at work
Speaking of waiting for dinner, the chefs have finished preparing our Friday dinner while hungry patrollers begin to gather near the serving window (just out of view.)
Chefs serving dinner
Dinner is served!
evening pre-race briefing session
After dinner, Howard H (at right) leads the evening pre-race briefing session.
checking our packs before going to sleep
...and then it's back to the hotel, to make sure we have everything we need in our packs,
relax and socialize a little before turning in for the night
or relax and socialize a little before turning in for the night.
relax and socialize a little before turning in for the night
(Don't stay up too late. We have to be back at the Senior Center at 5:30am for breakfast! :)
Unless otherwise noted, all photos by David Squires.
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