2014 Birkie Patrol
Our day of patrolling begins!

A serious group of Birkie patrollers heads out to their assigments.

Lot’s of snow, and very cold temperatures awaited us at OO, our intermediate stop to drop off those who would begin here.

Little did we know how important and busy the OO cabin, heated by only a fireplace, would become as a treatment center for frost-bitten and exhausted racers, who soon would begin to arrive at OO and drop out.   Due to an emergency with a local hospital and EMS service, the medical tent was unheated, unstocked and unstaffed with medical pro-fessionals.   Ski patrollers would quickly go into high gear, bringing patients to the cabin and providing treatment.

Patrollers and volunteers wait for the first racers to come through OO.

Some early racers coming through OO.

Peter and Chip, and other assisting patrollers, would soon be treating patients with standing room only in the cabin.   The bus service answered the call by rerouting as many buses as possible through OO to bring frost-bitten and exhausted racers back to Hayward.
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