2014 Birkie Patrol Recognition
Our day culminates with the awards banquet.

The annual banquet is a feast to behold...

2014 was our 35th year!.

Jeff, Kathy and _______ relax after dinner (and a long day of Birkie patrolling!)

Nancy W., Howard and David S. can finally relax.

5 year: John W., Frank S. and Neal B.

10 years Jim L., Julie T. and Robert L.

15 year: Sarah E.

20 year: Michael L. and Nancy I.

25 year: Vera T.

30 year: Rich M.

35 years!: Howard H.
(From the first year of the Patrol’s existence, Howard has patrolled every year.   The chair is so well deserved!)

Eric G receives the "Ree Primley" Outstanding Service Award.
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